
WEB Institutional image
Marflet Marine, SA
WEB Institutional image
Consultants Navigation S.A
Network maintenance
Oliva and Cons, lawyers and S. L. Services
Network maintenance
Virtual Exhibition of Goya
National Library of Spain: in 1999 and development has been installed on the server of the National Library of Virtual Exhibition Goya.
Publishing Catalogs
National Library of Spain
Warehouse Management System
Telefónica Sistemas, S. A.
2000 Consulting Project
International Cooperation
Network maintenance
Development of custom software
audiovisual projects
Development Partnership for internet environments.
Development of tools for the creation of enterprises.

Institutional Collaboration in the WEB
Policy Department of Small and Medium Enterprises
Creating Internet telematic spaces within the SME Initiative
Development Partnership for INTERNET environments. Network maintenance and Data Bases Documentary
Development of European projects and system maintenance
T.S.A.I. (Telefónica Group)
Videotex System Development of Telematics Care
IDE, Massluis - The Netherlands
Gateway Pilot Project for Access Databases
EDS, Belgium
Videotex Gateway Project
AXO Systems, S.A.
Selling products videotex
Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez
Administration Training Centres
ECHO, European Comission Host Organisation
Videotex information
UNWTO World Tourism Organization
Draft document databases
IEPALA, Institute for the Study of aid to Latin America
Documentary Training Data Bases